Friends of Dore and Totley Station(FoDaTS)
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July 2024.
  Work on the Railway Upgrade at Dore and Totley station is almost complete.
Most of the car park is now available for Railway Passenger parking.
The new second platform (called platform 1) is in use for trains in the Hope Valley and Manchester direction. 
The original platform (called platform 2) is used for trains in the Sheffield direction.
The bridge with a lift and stairs from each of the platforms is operational.
The original platform was extended and both platforms can now take 6 carriage trains.
There is lighting and security cameras along both platforms.
Help Point and Hearing Loops on Both Platforms
Tactile Tiles and Directional Tactile Tiles on both platforms.
There are emergency gates at both ends of platform 2.
Defibrillator next to the Amazon Lockers at the entrance to platform 2
Amazon Lockers on platform 2
For more details see the Station Facilities page.

March 2024 Hope Valley Railway Upgrade.  Work on the station is progressing and you can see what the station will look like once all the work is complete.  It is expected that the facilitates will be available from the 25th March 2024.
The new Platform which will be Platform 1 will have the following facilities.

Bridge between the platforms with steps and a lift on each platform.

2 new shelters. One on each side of the bridge on platform 1.
There will also be two new shelters and the existing canopy on Platform 2 (the original platform).

Lighting the full length of the platform on each platform.

New direction signs on Platform 1.
The existing platform will be extended to allow for 6 carriage trains to stop at the station.  The new platform will be the same length.

December 2023 Platform Numbering. To be consistent with the other stations on the Hope Valley line it has been decided that the new platform towards the Hope Valley and Manchester will be platform 1.  The existing platform towards Sheffield will be renumbered to platform 2.

Work on the station is expected to be complete by the 25th March 2024.

November 2023. Work on the station to add a new track and platform is progressing quickly. A bridge is being built between the platforms and the platforms will be extended.  A page has been created of the work being done.


Dore and Totley Station early 1900’s


Dore and Totley Station November 2023.

October 2023. The Northern leg of the HS2 project was scrapped by the Prime Minister at the Conservative Party Conference.   HS2 will now run from London to Birmingham.

The money saved in the HS2 project is going to be used in other infrastructure projects. A list of projects was identified but these were later said to be suggestions and some of them had already been completed.

There were various articles in the papers at the time including one in the Guardian.

May 2023 Transpennine Express to be brought into Public Ownership

The Transport Secretary in May 2023 announced he was not renewing or extending the Transpennine Express’s (TPE) contract at the end of May 2023. This will bring the company into Operator of  Of Last resort(OLR).  See transpennine-express-to-be-brought-into-operator Of Last Resort for more details.

This is the second operator who operate services at Dore and Totley station after Northern was brought under Government control in March 2020. See Operator_of_last_resort for a list of all the franchises under this control.

March 2023. Dore & Totley chosen for a trial of video assistance using the platform ticket machine.

Dore and Totley have been selected as one of only 22 of Northerns 479 stations to trial the new video assistance on the ticket machine. You can provide feedback on our Facebook page. FoDaTS Facebook page

For more information see the Facilities page.

HVCS_Dore_Feb_23_2.jpeg250px 2022-2023. Work is progressing on providing the improvements identified in the Hope Valley Capacity Scheme.  Work is centred around Dore and Totley and near Hope station.

If you want to follow progress there is an app which can be loaded to your Smart phone. Search on “Hope Valley Railway Upgrade” on either the Apple or Android app stores.

The FoDaTs Facebook site is providing regular updates and pictures of the progress which is being made.

During the construction it may be necessary to cancel rail services and close all or part of the car park.  Advance notice is provided of these closures and cancellations so please check before travelling to see if the facilities you want will be available.

New_Defibrillator copy250pxNovember 2022.  A new Defibrillator was installed replacing the original device which was showing some wear with the weather conditions.

If you need to gain access call 999 and they will give you the access code to open the locked cabinet. (You are at Dore and Totley station) Instructions will be given inside the cabinet and the emergency service operator will talk you  through.


Volker_Rail_New_TrackAugust 2022. Volker Rail and Story JV produce regular newsletters on the progress which is being made on the Hope Valley Capacity Scheme project. Here is the latest Hope Valley Newsletter.

They also have an app for Android and Apple devices so that you can see the latest developments.

Volker Rail and Story JV have produced a track layout around Dore and Totley before and after the works.

20220608_Easy_Read_Living_Safely_with_Respiratory_Illnesses_pagenumber.001350pxJune 2022. The government has produced a booklet with there latest advice on Covid-19.  The booklet provides advice such as:-

“When to wear a face covering

  • when you are coming into close contact with someone at higher risk of becoming seriously unwell from COVID-19 or other respiratory infections
  • when COVID-19 rates are high and you will be in close contact with other people, such as in crowded and enclosed spaces
  • when there are a lot of respiratory viruses circulating, such as in winter, and you will be in close contact with other people in crowded and enclosed spaces”

Here is the latest goverment advice.

Here is the National Rail Coronavirus Travel Advice which links to the government advice.

D&T_150years350pxFebruary 2022.  150 years since the first trains from Dore and Totley. The first train to leave the station was on the 1st February 1872. 

1872 also marked the opening of Dore new Road, a project financed by the Duke of Devonshire to enable Dore residents to reach the new station. His agents sold plots of land to build large houses.

The Star article on the 150 years.

More about the station history.

Integrated Rail Plan for the North and Midlands (web version)250pxNovember 2021 The Integrated Rail Plan for the North and Midlands has been published by the government.  Download the plan
From the HS2 route from London to the East Midlands Parkway HS2 trains will continue to Nottingham, Derby Chesterfield and Sheffield on an upgraded and electrified Midland Main Line.  HS2 trains will run from London to Sheffield in 87 minutes. 
Improvement in times on other routes are planned as as well.

Here is The Star report.

Wikipedia has a detailed description of the latest plan together with links to many sources and reports.


November 2021 HS2 rail plan has been amended.

The latest HS2 infrastructure plan will provide routes from London to Manchester on the West side and only as far as East Midlands Parkway on the East side.  The Integrated Rail Plan above looks at future developments for the North and Midlands.

BikeRack350pxNovember 2021. A new Cycle Shelter and cycle repair tools have been installed at the station near the entrance to the platform.

The racks are on two levels. Instructions are provided on how to easily lift the bikes onto the top deck.

In addition to the racks in the Shelter there is a Sheffield stand for cycles which do not fit into the standard rack sizes e.g. Tandems and bikes with very wide tyres.

The tool section has a set of tools to maintain the bike and a pump in case the tyres need pumping up.



Peter_Fox_Family250October 2021 On the 16th October Doreen Fox and her family gathered for the dedication of our second bench by the drop off zone to her late husband, Peter Fox, 1942-2011.
Peter was Dore & Totley's first station adopter and was a strong advocate for improvements. He lobbied to get the station name restored from shortened Dore back to the original full name of Dore & Totley.
At that time our stopping service was every 2 hours, but with some 3 hour gaps. It went to New Mills only, change for Manchester. He helped persuade the powers that be to run our trains all the way. His push for a full hourly through stopping all stations service continues to this day (we're now pushing for 2 stopping trains an hour).
He set the ball rolling to get some long distance fast stops by TPE and East Midlands.

Peter_Fox_Plaque250Train and railway enthusiasts may be familiar with books and magazines like Today's Railways, published by Platform 5, the company he co-founded. For a short time he was a LibDem Councillor for Dore & Totley Ward.
If Peter had been with us today he would have been gratified to see over 40 people boarding the 10.21 stopping train to Manchester. 3 coaches, every seat already taken on arrival and very many standing. He'd be telling us that there's still much to do. Hopefully he'd be impressed to see how we're progressing 10 years after he left us.

September 2021 Northern Rail have been working nationally on a project to raise awareness of the issue of Unwanted Sexual Behaviour on and around the rail network. With information about how to report and get help and support. This is an ongoing project.
Posters will be displayed on trains and platforms by Northern staff in due course.
FoDaTS along with other Friends groups have been asked to publicise the campaign and the Posters can viewed here.

Dec_2019_Timetable_CoverMay and December each year Timetables.  Train Timetables are updated frequently.  Normally it is twice a year in May and December although sometimes it is more frequent such as during the Covid period. The timetables are at:-

Some journeys may be affected by engineering work.  These are more likely to occur in the evening, weekends and bank holidays.  If travelling at these times you can use one of the journey planning tools to see if your journey will be affected by engineering works. These will typically provide routes and prices across several operators if necessary.
Examples are:-


IMG_20210927_174327353_HDR251September 2021 Closed Circuit TV improvements.  After several years delay Northern have installed additional CCTV at the station.  The new cameras are mainly protecting the public and staff on the platform.


IMG_20210927_174836226_HDR250September 2021 Second Bench.  The bench which was installed in Sept 2020 has proved very successful.   So useful that a second bench has been purchased for peoples use.


241349557_10159378408239720_3912649807769985053_n250August 2021 Hope Valley Capacity Scheme Project overview.  Volker Rail with Story JV have produced an overview of the Hope Valley Capacity Scheme changes in the Dore and Totley station area.  This provides a short description of each part of the project and actions they will be taking to minimise disruption.

July 2021 A Sheffield Cycling map. A link to the City Council PDF map of the cycling routes around Sheffield has been added to the site on the visitor and travel information pages.

June 2021 New flexi season tickets. Most train operators have introduced new flexi season tickets for travel between any two stations.  So if you are travelling by train a few days a week into the office or visiting friends or relatives then look at the new flexi season tickets, it may save you some money.  Typically there are for 8 journeys per 28 day period.  See the websites for further details:-

National Rail Season Ticket Calculator

LGPD-LOGO250June 2021 Five walking routes from stations on the Hope Valley line are available at  Hope Valley Train Station walks.  Why not take a train from Dore and Totley to one of these stations in the Peak District National Park and follow the route.


Dore_View5_Year_1_750250March 2021 Hope Valley Capacity Scheme(HVCS).  Full Steam Ahead.

The Government has given the approval for the HVCS project.  Work will start in June 2021 and expected to be complete in Sept 2023. The scheme is estimated at £137million and will provide:-

  • elimination of a bottleneck at Dore and Totley station by adding an additional track to the  existing single track through the station.  An additional platform will be provided together with a foot bridge for passengers to move between the two platforms.
  • lengthening the Dore curve which links the Hope Valley and Midland main line.  This will allow freight trains to stop on the curve and allow passenger trains to pass both on the Hope Valley line between Dore and Grindleford and on the Midland Main line between Dore and Dronfield.
  • providing a passing loop between Bamford station and Jaggers Lane Bridge in Hathersage to allow freight trains to stop allowing faster passenger trains to overtake them.

Some coverage of the announcement:-

2Restauarnts250April 2021.  Restaurants reopening.

There are two restaurants near the car park at the station.  The Summerhouse and Rajdhani have reopened after Covid.  For the latest on the facilities, opening times and menus visit there websites:-



The Summer House


Bench300Sept 2020 New bench and planter.

In association with Friends Of Dore and Totley station, Abbeydale Rotary have installed a bench and planter at the entrance to the station.

They are in the car park near the entrance to the platform and next to the Drop Off/ Pick Up point.

Mar 2020.  New operator for Northern services.  Northern has been stripped of the Franchise to run rail services in the North of England.  This includes the Sheffield to Manchester local stopping service.  The new Operator will be the “Operator Of Last Resort” which is controlled by the Government and will start to run the Franchise on the 1st March.

BBC article
Sky article
Government communication

December 2019  Committees Aims and Action plan has been updated.


emr_train300pxAugust 2019  East Midlands Railway, a subsidiary of Abellio took over the East Midlands rail franchise, from East Midlands Trains on the 18th August 2019. 
The franchise will last until August 2027 and has seventeen lines, the three which are most likely to affect the Dore and Totley passengers are:-

  • Liverpool to Norwich, some of the services stop at Dore and Totley
  • Sheffield to London St Pancras
  • London St Pancras - Leeds and York

See the franchise page for more information on the changes which are planned within the franchise.

Major_Contributors to Canopy_Crop350px

July 2019 On the 19th July the Sheffield City Region Mayor, Dan Jarvis opened the canopy.  The canopy page has been updated with some photos of the development of the canopy along with the official opening. There were a number articles covering the canopy ceremony in the local and railway press.  Here are some of them:-


Hope_Valley_125250July 2019 In 2019 stations on the Hope Valley line will be celebrating 125 years of passenger service. Dore and Totley was opened on the Sheffield to Chesterfield line by Midland Railways in 1872.  The Dore to Chinley line first carried passengers in 1894. See the history page for more details of the history of the station.

July 2019.  25 years ago the locals were celebrating the centenary of the Hope Valley.  Dore To Door published an article about the building of the Totley Tunnel and some information on the effects to the local communities.  This has been reproduced on the Hope Valley 125 page.

July 2019.  About 25 walkers followed the Over and Under walk from Dore and Totley to Grindleford stations on the 29th June.  There are some photos on the Hope Valley 125 page.

Amazon_Lockers_300June 2019.  Dore and Totley is the first Northern station to receive Amazon lockers. 
You can now order goods from Amazon and have them delivered to the lockers at the station. 
No need to wait in for the Amazon order to be delivered, just pick it up when you arrive at or pass the station.  You can return goods via the lockers as well! 
For details visit the Amazon website.
The lockers are at the entrance to the platform and is called “Peak”.



IMG_20190513_125802250May 2019 The canopy is now completed.  Some seating has been provided under the canopy and additional seating provided on the platform.
The ticket vending machine has been moved under the Canopy so passengers do not have to purchase their tickets in the rain.  In addition in the old location the machine was difficult to read at certain times of day when the sun was shining.    The canopy has been funded by a number of parties. Northern who manage the station provided the majority of the funds with significant contributions from High Peak & Hope Valley Community Rail Partnership, Trans Pennine Express, ACORPS  and SYPTE.  See the Canopy page  for further photos.


January 2019.  Northern have produced a video on how to use the new Ticket Vending Machine at the station.


There are many procedures and policies covering the use of the railways.  Some of these including the Byelaws(including smoking, drinking, music and animals) Ticketing(including when a break of journey is allowed and split tickets), Photographing on Railway property and information for neighbours.  These have been added to the Newsletter page.


December 2018. The rail industry produce a lot of statistics about the performance of the network. See the Stats page for some of the stats that are produced including:-

  • passenger numbers
  • overcrowding
  • journey performance
  • Passenger Satisfaction
  • Rail Facts

  • HS2 Consultation.  There are a series of consultation meeting about the proposed HS2 Phase 2b which includes a link from the main HS2 route from London to Leeds into Chesterfield and Sheffield via but not stopping at Dore and Totley station.  Planned events can be found at HS2 events
    There is also a raft of information about HS2 and date for responses has now passed.

May 2018.  Consultation papers on the following have been sent off and a copy is on the Newsletter page:-

  • Sheffield City Region Transport Plan 2018-2040.
  • Transport for the North Strategic Transport Plan
  • DfT’s Community Rail Strategy.
  • DfT Draft Transport Accessibility Action Plan.

Dore_View5_Year_1_750NFebruary 2018.  Dore and Totley to get a second platform.  The DfT have announced that they have approved the Inspectors report for the Hope Valley Capacity Scheme.  Locally this will provide two tracks through Dore and Totley for the Hope Valley line to Manchester.  A second platform will be provided and the platforms will be lengthened.  The single track between the Hope Valley line and the Midland Mainline known as the Dore curve, used mainly by freight trains, will be made longer.

The scheme will allow more frequent and more reliable services between Sheffield and Manchester on the Hope Valley line. For further details see the Hope Valley Capacity scheme page.

November 2017.  Northern Rail have provided an update on the new trains and on the refurbishment program of some of the existing rail stock.  It is likely that the Northern trains on the Sheffield to Manchester route will be refurbished trains.  See the Newsletter page for copies of the presentations.

October 2017.  East Midlands Consultation for the new franchise is now complete.  See some of the responses on the Newsletter page.

July 2017. For those returning to Dore there are two restaurants where you can eat at the station.  These are:-

If you prefer to take the meal home with you the “The Summer House” and “Rajdhani” offer take aways which can be booked over the phone.  Check the websites for the opening hours.


July 2017.  Dore and Totley in bloom.  Some of the D&T committee and volunteers have been busy planting plants in containers on the station platform.  This has made the platform more colourful.



July 2017.  A number of announcements have been made in the House of Commons on the services in and around Dore and Totley station.  These are:-

  • the Developments page has been updated with the HS2 route (Phase 2b) between Birmingham and Leeds which has been confirmed.  A spur off the main HS2 route to Sheffield and Leeds with a link back onto the main HS2 route north of Sheffield.  Although trains will run past D&T station there are no plans to stop at the station.
  • the Developments page has also been updated with the news that the electrification between London and Sheffield has been abandoned.  Work will progress on the electrification between London and Kettering but will not progress any further north.  Bi-modal trains will be introduced in 2022 to serve the services on the Midland Mainline.
  • the Franchises page has been undated with the news of the consultation on the next East Midland Franchise which will run until the 11th Oct 2017.  This includes the Sheffield to London and Liverpool to Norwich services.


February 2017. The Summerhouse will serve hot and cold drinks and food all day.  So if you have a few minutes before your train arrives and fancy a hot coffee or tasty sandwich why not drop in. They are open from 09:00 Tuesday to Sunday.  Further details on the Summerhouse website.

August 2016.  All the plans, contracts and developments which may affect Dore and Totley station and the services which run through the station, are on Developments.

July 2016. Plusbike. National Rail have introduced more information for cyclists wanting to use the railways.  See the National Rail Plusbike pages for further details.

July 2016.  HS2 is a project to provide high speed trains between London, West Midlands, Leeds and Manchester.  The plan produced in 2013 proposed having a station at Meadowhall on the line up to Leeds to serve Sheffield and district.

A report produced in July 2016 considered three routes near Sheffield.  It suggested that instead of stopping at Meadowhall some of the HS2 trains would be routed via Sheffield Midland station.  The BBC reported that “The proposed route would see up to two trains per hour leave the HS2 line near to Clay Cross, in Derbyshire, and join the existing line into Sheffield before rejoining HS2 east of Grimethorpe.”  This would reduce the fastest journey times from Sheffield to London by 41 mins from 120 mins to 79 mins.
For more details see the:-

Engineering_Works_300Engineering Works


Northern - Sheffield to Manchester Line

See Northern

TransPennine Express - Liverpool Lime Street to Cleethorpes

See TransPennine Express

East Midlands Trains- Liverpool Lime Street to Norwich

See East Midlands

National Rail

The National Rail Enquiries provides up to date information on all services in the UK.


How can the website help you?

Train Departure Times and Destinations

TpExpress_To_Doncaster_300NTrain departure times for all three operators and the stations which each service stops at are shown on the Departures page.



Rail Franchises

Logosx3_300WThere are three franchises which provide train services which stop at D&T.  These are:-

  • Northern
  • TransPennine Express
  • East Midlands Railway

Northern provide the Sheffield to Manchester stopping service.  TransPennine Express provide a service from Liverpool Lime Street to Cleethopes via Manchester Piccadilly.  The Liverpool Lime Street to Norwich via Manchester Picadilly service is provided by East Midland Railway.
The Northern and Transpennine express franchises started in April 2016 are both are now under the control of the Operator of Last Resort.  The East Midlands franchise started in August 2019.
For more information on the various franchises visit the rail franchise page.

Travel Information

Northern_Train_To_Sheffield (2)_300N Information which users of the station may find useful is on the travel information page.   Information includes ways of getting to the station including bus and cycle facilities, ticket information, rail card and season ticket links, end to end journey planning sites e.g. walking then bus then train and bus to get you from home to your destination.  Links to Live Train Departure sites are also provided.


Dore and Totley Station History

DoreandTotleyStation_300NThere is a short history of the station covering when the station was opened, the various changes to the track formations around the station and the corresponding changes in platforms.  Also covered are the change in name, see the Station History page for more information.


Information Page

The FoDaTS newsletters are on the Newsletter page.
Also on the page are links to YouTube videos of the Sheffield to Manchester and Manchester to Sheffield train journey from the drivers cab.  These were training videos taken in 2003.

Dore and Totley Station Facilities

Station_Sign_300The station facilities page provides information on the facilities which are available at the station. This includes Park and Ride including accessible parking, cycle storage, ticket and information machines and Wifi.


Developments around the station

Park&Ride_300There are a number of developments which are in various stages of development which could affect the users of the station.  The developments include:-

  • Rail Franchises.  Two of the franchises started in 2016 and the third in 2019.
  • Hope Valley Capacity Scheme
  • Northern Powerhouse initiatives
  • Sheffield Plan to 2034

More details can be found on the Developments page.


Rail Statistics

Passenger_Nos_300Statistics have been produced on the following areas which may of interest to users of Dore and Totley station:-

  • Passenger Numbers 1997-2020.  Year by year passenger numbers over the past 23 years
  • “Right Time” and Reliability figures for some of the weekday peak period services between Dore and Totley station and both Sheffield and Manchester Piccadilly.
  • Links to the National Rail Passenger Survey where you can see how each operator and route is rated
  • Department of Transport report on the passenger numbers and overcrowding on trains in London and the ten largest cities in England and Wales.

See the Stats page for further details.


Hope Valley Capacity Scheme

Dore_View4_Year_1_300NThe Hope Valley Capacity Scheme is a scheme for increasing the number, reliability and length of trains on the Hope Valley line, many of which call at D&T.  The HV Capacity page cover the proposed changes and the benefits which it will produce.
The page also links to the Public Inquiry site, held for the scheme, where all the submissions made by FoDaTS and others are available.


FoDaTS Committee

The committee lists the current committee members and contact information.  It also explains the purpose of the committee.


Visitor Information

Eccles_Woods_Miniture_RailwayThe visitor information page provides information on facilities which visitors may like to visit near the station. This includes walks, sports facilities and industrial hamlet.